Monday, April 6, 2020

COVID-19 – A Note to Our Customers, Partners & the Entire SAP Community

I remember thinking a few years ago, as we were updating our Disaster Recovery Plan and reviewing our epidemic/ pandemic response procedures, “Wow, I hope we never have to implement this,” not because it would be difficult, but because the potential for human suffering would be immense.

But the time came, several weeks ago, to roll out our company response to the impending COVID-19 pandemic. That response has been designed to ensure information system uptime, data integrity and availability, business continuity, and the safety of our team, their families, and their communities.

I can tell you that our response has been successful to this point, and we are not taking our foot off the accelerator, as Dr. Fauci might put it:
  • Almost all of our personnel are working remotely, and all are aware of the need for physical distancing, handwashing and sanitization.
  • All business processes and administrative workflows are intact.
  • All development, support, and sales processes continue without interruption.

We don’t know, because nobody does, how long these measures will be in place, but we are prepared to keep them in place for as long as it takes.

Our thoughts are with those around the world, including our customers and partners, and their teams, families and communities, and the whole SAP ecosphere, in these difficult times.

Yes, we are in this together.

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