APOS Live Data Gateway -
Data Consumption Protocols
The APOS Live Data Gateway allows you to:
- Connect to a broad range of Relational, OLAP, Big Data, Hadoop, and Cloud-based data sources
- Consume data from those sources in SAP Analytics Cloud, SAP HANA, SAP Datasphere, and other SAP solutions
- Stream data live, or acquire (import) data into your SAP solutions

Your SAP solutions are able to consume data from these diverse data sources because of a set of data consumption protocols:
- SAP Native
- OData
The APOS Live Data Gateway facilitates data consumption across the SAP Solution Landscape with its Unified Semantic Layer, which consists of:
- APOS Freehand SQL Views
- APOS Semantic Layer Views
APOS Views are created in a UI within the APOS Live Data Gateway, and allow you to:
- Define Measures and Dimensions
- Manage table links and joins
- Set meaningful field names