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Automatizzare l'upgrade dei tuoi Universi UNX
in Italiano

BI 2025 Update with SAP

Mercoledì, 9 aprile
15:00 CEST (Italy) / 9:00 EDT (New York)



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Webinar Series:

BI 2025 Release Debrief + Automating Your Migration

BI 2025 has just been released, so our session starts with a review of key functionality and advancements that made it into the official released version. After that review and related debrief with our expert panel, we will turn our focus to discussing some of the key BI 2025 migration steps and how APOS automation can assist in executing those steps. We cover:

  • BI 2025 Official release debrief
  • New functionality debrief - expert panel
  • Automating BI 2025 content migration
  • Validating success of content migration
  • High volume re-creation and updates of content settings, security, etc.

Automating Your Upgrade to UNX Universes

Converting UNV universes to UNX and repointing all the associated Web Intelligence reports is a critical step with your SAP BusinessObjects deployment because UNV will not be supported in BI 2025.

Priority support for BI 4.3 has been extended to the end of 2026, by which time the majority of organizations should be making their move to BI 2025. This means that organizations have a limited time to implement UNX universes.

Organizations need to consider what is required to make an orderly and efficient transition to UNX universes. An orderly and efficient upgrade - one in which you manage your resources and content effectively -- takes time to plan and execute.

This session focuses on how to automate and accelerate your UNX conversion and Web Intelligence repointing. We will demonstrate how the planning and execution of your upgrade does not need to be intimidating.

What You Will Learn:

  • What are the challenges you will face upgrading to UNX?
  • How does automation make this project achievable?
  • How does APOS automation allow you to control the process confidently?

BI 2025 Countdown with SAP’s Eric Fenollosa and Gregory Botticchio

SAP's Eric Fenollosa and Gregory Botticchio present their final stage update on what is coming with BI 2025!

Among other aspects of BI 2025, Eric and Gregory discuss:

  • BI 2025 delivery and support timelines
  • How the new "Web Intelligence Offline Artefact" document format expands user access by delivering data insights offline
  • How SAML and OpenID authentication simplification automates user provisioning
  • Simplified migration projects preserving current configuration during new version or patch installation
  • Moving to BI 2025 strategic stack with new SAP BW (DSL) driver for simplified Crystal Reports 2025 field mapping, better hierarchy report, and a renewed parameter prompting UI
  • Leveraging the Crystal Reports 2025 relational UNX connection for enhanced report synchronization and more flexibility through additional Query Panel filter operators

Sesión técnica detallada en APOS Publisher for Cloud

Acompáñanos en esta gran oportunidad para profundizar en nuestra solución APOS Publisher for Cloud con varios casos de uso en detalle  y nuestra sesión de preguntas y respuestas.

Durante esta sesión, exploraremos cómo nuestros clientes utilizan APOS Publisher for Cloud con SAP Analytics Cloud para satisfacer requisitos específicos y solucionar sus necesidades en la publicación de reportes. También hablaremos de casos prácticos y nuestras últimas novedades.

Los principales temas que tendremos son:

  • Descripción técnica de la solución – Características principales
    • Demostración de las capacidades principales:
      • Filtrado dinámico
      • Formatos y destinos
      • Publicación/alertas condicionales: publicación basada en eventos
  • Programación y publicación de Analysis for Office
  • Nueva interfaz web para programación y publicación de reportes
  • Templates en Excel
  • Nuevas opciones de implementación y promoción

Approfondimento tecnico su APOS Publisher for Cloud

Unisciti a noi per questa grande opportunità di approfondire con il nostro consulente la soluzione APOS Publisher for Cloud con dimostrazioni live dettagliate e una sessione di domande e risposte.

In questa sessione potrai scoprire come i clienti utilizzano APOS Publisher for Cloud con SAP Analytics Cloud per risolvere esigenze e sfide specifiche, grazie alla demo di alcuni principali casi d'uso e alla presentazione di nuove funzionalità.

Alcuni degli argomenti che verranno affrontati:

  • Panoramica tecnica della soluzione – funzionalità principali
    • Filtraggio dinamico
    • Formati e destinazioni
    • Broadcasting e notifiche condizionali o basate su eventi
  • Schedulazione e broadcasting per Analysis for Office
  • Nuova interfaccia web utente: schedulazione e trasmissione self-service
  • Utilizzo di templates Excel
  • Nuove funzionalità di deployment e promotion

Technical Deep Dive into APOS Publisher for Cloud

This is a great opportunity to take a deep dive with our solution consultant into our APOS Publisher for Cloud solution with in-depth live demos and Q&A.

In this session you will get insight into how customers are using APOS Publisher for Cloud with SAP Analytics Cloud to solve specific needs and challenges as we demonstrate key use cases in action and showcase new features.

Some of the topics we will show you:

  • Solution Technical Overview – Core Capabilities
    • Dynamic filtering
    • Formats, destinations
    • Conditional and event-based broadcasting/alerting
  • Analysis for Office scheduling and broadcasting
  • New Web User Interface:  Self-serve broadcast scheduling
  • Using Excel Templates
  • New deployment and promotion options

Effective Preparation for BI 2025 and Your Next SAP BusinessObjects Upgrade

SAP BI 2025 is coming! APOS can help you get there...

SAP has just announced updates to the BI 2025 release timing and the SAP BusinessObjects support and maintenance strategy. SAP's Eric Fenollosa joins us to discuss these updates and their significance.

Join this session to understand SAP'S new updates and how APOS can help you with your BusinessObjects upgrade:

  • Updates to BI 2025 release timing and SAP BusinessObjects support and maintenance strategy, featuring Eric Fenollosa
  • Establish a clear picture of the content in your BOBJ system
  • Develop clarity about high and low priority content in your BOBJ system
  • Define what content should be migrated and what should not be migrated
  • Streamline your system content to reduce your upgrade workload
  • Store and secure your system content; archive legacy assets
  • Prepare for structured and managed upgrade process

Espandi le possibilità di accesso ai dati di SAP Analytics Cloud: connessioni Live, Import ed Export da e verso fonti non SAP

Il tuo progetto di analytics dovrebbe mirare a includere tutti i dati pertinenti agli obiettivi della tua organizzazione. APOS Data Gateway ha lo scopo di rendere disponibili per i tuoi report e applicazioni SAP Analytics Cloud i dati provenienti da fonti di dati non SAP.

APOS Data Gateway sta aiutando le organizzazioni a creare nuovo valore attraverso connessioni dati Live, Import ed Export da SAP Analytics Cloud verso un'ampia gamma di fonti dati non SAP. Questa sessione analizzerà il modo in cui le opzioni di connessione di APOS Data Gateway influiscono sulle modalità con cui le organizzazioni possono sfruttare le loro risorse dati non SAP, comprese le piattaforme dati on-premise e cloud.


  • Opzioni estese e semplificate per la connessione Import dei dati SAC per la pianificazione
  • Esportazione dei dati Planning di SAC in ambienti strategici come Snowflake, ecc
  • Estrarre i dati in modo programmato verso varie destinazioni per esigenze normative e di altro tipo
  • Sfruttare le potenti opzioni di connessione Live dei dati per l'analisi in tempo reale
  • ...e molto altro ancora sull'utilizzo di SAP Analytics Cloud con fonti dati non SAP

Schedulazione e Broadcasting per SAP Analytics Cloud e Analysis for Office - GRANDE Nuova Release!!!

Indipendentemente dal settore, gran parte delle soluzioni di Business Intelligence e analisi ha un gruppo specifico di utenti che hanno necessitá di ricevere i report per semplificare e sostenere il loro processo decisionale.

Unisciti a noi per vedere come APOS Publisher for Cloud offra a livello aziendale una trasmissione e una distribuzione dei report attraverso una schedulazione e un broadcasting data-driven e dinamici per le tue storie e applicazioni SAP Analytics Cloud.

Dai poi un'occhiata in anteprima al nostro nuovo supporto per la schedulazione e la trasmissione dei report di SAP Analysis for Office.

Mostreremo inoltre la nostra nuova Interfaccia Web Utente, che semplifica l'implementazione e l'utilizzo della schedulazione.


  • Broadcasting data-driven dinamico
  • Destinazioni per il broadcasting dei report
  • *NUOVO* Schedulazione e broadcasting per Analysis for Office
  • *NUOVO* Interfaccia Web Utente per la schedulazione e la trasmissione self-service semplificata
  • Opzioni di formato multiple
  • Consolidamento di più report
  • Schedulazione personalizzata
  • Broadcasting su base utente per SAP BW e Datasphere

Expand Data Access for SAP Analytics Cloud: Live, Import and Export connections to non-SAP sources

APOS Data Gateway is helping organizations create new value through live data connectivity from SAP Analytics Cloud to a wide range of non-SAP data assets. This session will explore how APOS Data Gateway's connectivity options impact the ways in which organizations can leverage their non-SAP data assets, including both on-premise and cloud data platforms.

You will learn:

  • Expanded and simplified options for Import data connectivity into SAC for Planning
  • Export SAC Planning data to strategic environments such as Snowflake
  • Extract data on a schedule to various destinations for regulatory requirements and other needs
  • Leverage powerful live data connectivity options for real-time analytics
  • …and much more on using SAP Analytics Cloud with non-SAP data assets

We will also focus on:

  • How to leverage non-SAP data assets from your:
    • Cloud data environments, such as Snowflake, Databricks, Google, AWS, and Azure
    • Relational sources such as SQL, Oracle, Teradata and DB2
    • And many more sources
  • Expanded live capabilities of APOS Live Data Gateway, including:
    • Seamless security integration - SSO, OAuth
    • Self-service modelling, and management of modelling assets
    • Data transformations: geospatial, dimensions, hierarchies, prompts

Erweitern Sie den Datenzugriff für SAP Analytics Cloud: Live-, Import- und Export-Datenverbindungen hin zu NON-SAP-Quellen

Ihr Analytics-Projekt sollte darauf abzielen, alle für die Ziele Ihres Unternehmens relevanten Daten mit einzubeziehen. Ziel des APOS Data Gateway ist es, Daten aus NON-SAP-Datenquellen für Ihre SAP Analytics Cloud-Berichte und -Anwendungen verfügbar zu machen.

APOS Data Gateway unterstützt Unternehmen bei der Schaffung neuer Werte durch Live-, Import- und Export-Datenkonnektivität von SAP Analytics Cloud zu einer breiten Palette von NON-SAP-Datenbeständen. In diesem Webinar wird untersucht, wie sich die Konnektivitätsoptionen von APOS Data Gateway auf die Art und Weise auswirken, wie Unternehmen ihre NON-SAP-Datenbestände nutzen können, einschließlich On-Premise- und Cloud-Datenplattformen.

Sie werden im Webinar erfahren wie:

  • Sie erweiterte und vereinfachte Optionen für den Import von Datenkonnektivität in SAC für die Planung nutzen
  • Exportieren von SAC-Planungsdaten in strategische Umgebungen wie Snowflake usw. funktioniert
  • Extrahieren von Daten nach einem Zeitplan an verschiedene Ziele für gesetzliche Anforderungen und andere Zwecke verwendet werden kann
  • Sie leistungsstarke Live-Datenkonnektivitätsoptionen für Echtzeitanalysen nutzen
  • ...und vieles mehr zur Verwendung von SAP Analytics Cloud mit NON-SAP-Datenbeständen

Wir haben während des Webinars folgendes im Fokus:

  • Wie Sie mehr aus den folgenden NON-SAP-Datenbeständen machen:
    • Cloud-Datenumgebungen wie Snowflake, Databricks, Google, AWS und Azure
    • Relationalen Quellen wie SQL, Oracle, Teradata und DB2
    • Und vielen weiteren Quellen
  • Es gibt nun erweiterte Live-Funktionen von APOS Live Data Gateway, einschließlich:
    • Nahtlose Sicherheitsintegration – SSO, OAuth
    • Self-Service-Modellierung und Verwaltung von Modellierungsbeständen
    • Datentransformationen: Geographische Informationssysteme (GIS), Dimensionen, Hierarchien, Prompts

Ampliando la conectividad de SAP Analytics Cloud: Conexiones en tiempo real, importación y exportación con fuentes no SAP

Tu proyecto de analíticas debe tener como objetivo incluir todos los datos relevantes para los objetivos de tu organización. APOS Data Gateway facilita el acceso a datos de fuentes no SAP, permitiendo que estén disponibles para tus reportes y aplicaciones en SAP Analytics Cloud.

APOS Data Gateway está transformando la forma en que las organizaciones maximizan el valor de sus datos al ofrecer conectividad en tiempo real, y facilitando la importación y exportación de datos entre SAP Analytics Cloud y diversas fuentes de datos no SAP. En esta sesión, profundizaremos en las opciones de conectividad que ofrece APOS Data Gateway y cómo estas influyen en la capacidad de las empresas para aprovechar sus activos de datos no SAP, ya sea en entornos locales o en la nube.


  • Expanded and simplified options for Import data connectivity into SAC for Planning
  • Exportación de datos de planificación de SAC a entornos estratégicos como Snowflake, entre otros
  • Extracción de datos programada hacia diversos destinos para cumplir con requisitos regulatorios y otras necesidades
  • Aprovechar potentes opciones de conectividad de datos en tiempo real para análisis de datos de manera inmediata
  • ...y mucho más sobre el uso de SAP Analytics Cloud con activos de datos no SAP

También nos enfocaremos en:

  • Cómo aprovechar los activos de datos no SAP desde tus:
    • Entornos de datos en la nube, como Snowflake, Databricks, Google, AWS y Azure
    • Fuentes relacionales como SQL, Oracle, Teradata y DB2
    • Y muchas otras fuentes
  • Capacidades ampliadas en tiempo real de APOS Live Data Gateway, incluyendo:
    • Integración de seguridad sin interrupciones - SSO, OAuth
    • Modelado de autogestión de activos
    • Transformaciones de datos: geoespaciales, dimensiones, jerarquías y prompts

Programación y Publicación para SAP Analytics Cloud y Analysis for Office!

Sin importar la industria, la mayoría de las implementaciones de BI y analítica tienen un grupo específico de usuarios que necesitan recibir reportes directamente para facilitar y apoyar su toma de decisiones. Únase a nosotros para descubrir cómo APOS Publisher for Cloud ofrece publicación y distribución de reportes a nivel empresarial, a través de programación dinámica y basada en datos para sus historias y aplicaciones de SAP Analytics Cloud. Además, obtenga un primer vistazo a nuestro nuevo soporte para la programación y difusión de reportes en SAP Analysis for Office. También mostraremos nuestra nueva interfaz de usuario web, que simplifica la implementación y facilita el uso a los usuarios responsables del agendamiento de los reportes.

Aprenderás sobre:

  • Publicacion dinámica basada en datos
  • Destinatarios de los reportes
  • NUEVA publicación y difusión de Analysis for Office
  • NUEVA Interfaz web para agendamiento y publicación simplificada de reportes
  • Múltiples opciones de formato
  • Consolidación de varios reportes
  • Agendamiento personalizado
  • Publicación basada en usuarios de SAP BW y Datasphere

Scheduling & Broadcasting for SAP Analytics Cloud & Analysis for Office - BIG New Release!!

Regardless of industry, most BI and analytics deployments have a targeted set of users who need to have reports pushed out to them to simplify and support their decision making. Join us to see how APOS Publisher for Cloud delivers on enterprise-level report broadcasting and distribution through data-driven and dynamic scheduling and broadcasting for your SAP Analytics Cloud stories and applications, and get a first look at our new support for SAP Analysis for Office report scheduling and broadcasting. We will also demonstrate our new Web-based User Interface, which simplifies deployment and provides ease of use to report schedulers.

You will learn:

  • Data-driven dynamic broadcasting
  • Report broadcast destinations
  • *NEW* Analysis for Office scheduling and broadcasting
  • *NEW* Web UI for simplified self-service scheduling and broadcasting
  • Multiple format options
  • Consolidation of multiple reports
  • Custom scheduling
  • SAP BW & Datasphere user-based broadcasting

Scheduling und Broadcasting für SAP Analytics Cloud und Analysis for Office

Unabhängig von dem Unternehmen und der Branche, haben die meisten BI- und Analytics-Bereitstellungen eine bestimmte Gruppe von Usern, die zwingend Berichte erhalten müssen. Entweder um ihre Entscheidungsfindung zu vereinfachen und/oder um die Entscheidungsfindung zu unterstützen.

Sehen Sie sich in unserem Webinar an, wie APOS Publisher for Cloud die Übertragung und Verteilung von Berichten auf Unternehmensebene durch datengesteuerte und dynamische Planung und Übertragung für Ihre SAP Analytics Cloud-Stories und -Anwendungen ermöglicht, und werfen Sie einen ersten Blick auf unsere neueste Funktion, dem Scheduling und der Übertragung von Berichten aus SAP Analysis for Office.

Ebenso werden wir unser neues, webbasiertes User Interface demonstrieren, welches die Bereitstellung vereinfacht und Berichtsplanern-und Modellierern eine ganz einfache Bedienung bietet.

New Analysis for Office Scheduling & Broadcasting + SAP Office Integration Update

SAP's Jeanne Bigonnett joined us to discuss the latest news and options available for the SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office user community. As SAP's Product Manager for Microsoft Office integration solutions, Jeanne will provide the most current solution updates and roadmap considerations.

Special focus was given by Jeanne and the APOS team on exciting new solution options that enable robust report scheduling and broadcasting of Analysis for Office reports. The discussion will look at how APOS Publisher for Cloud solution can help Analysis for Office, Standard Edition users to move beyond their reliance on SAP BusinessObjects scheduling, and to advance an SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) deployment with a feature-rich information distribution solution.

BusinessObjects 2025 Olypmic Relay: Your Ultimate Guide to BI 2025 and Beyond

DataSense, APOS, and Need4Viz got together in this session to provide updates on the exciting new roadmap for SAP BusinessObjects 2025, strategies to align for the upcoming improvements, and how you can maximize the potential of your Web Intelligence reporting now and in the future. Topics included:

  • Understanding the Business Objects Roadmap BI 2025 & Beyond
  • Key Steps to Win the Race to BI 2025
  • Enhance, Improve & Extend the Value of Web Intelligence Reporting

SAP BI Roadmap & Update from SAP with Eric Fenollosa

Eric Fenollosa joins us to discuss the new (May 2024) SAP Analytics Business Intelligence Statement of Direction (SOD) and particularly the revised SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform Roadmap. This update will include important new plans for upcoming versions of SAP BusinessObjects BI 2025 and BI 4.3 — and beyond.

Learn About SAP BusinessObjects:

  • Timelines and plans for BI 2025
  • Timelines and plans for BI 2027 and beyond
  • Product portfolio rationalization strategies
  • New Web Intelligence visualizations options
  • New offline Web Intelligence document capabilities
  • Simplified report generation
  • Simplified migration projects
  • Standardized authentication protocols
  • Dynamic, faster access to information

We bring you the highlights of the revised roadmap and SOD, and discuss how you can better manage your SAP BusinessObjects journey.

UPGRADE & ADAPT - the SAP BI Roadmap: BusinessObjects 4.3 & BI 2025 Readiness

This session explored the SAP BI Roadmap and the latest (May 2024) SAP Analytics Business Intelligence Statement of Direction, and guide you through a proactive approach to upgrading and adapting your SAP BusinessObjects deployment in preparation for SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.3 and SAP BI 2025, including:

  • SAP BI Roadmap
  • Updated Maintenance Timelines
  • Latest Portfolio and Tools Support Changes
  • Go-Forward Tool Recommendations
  • Streamlining content
  • Platform Upgrade Automation
  • UNX Adoption

Chris Hickman from Blueline Insights joined us to share his insights on the future of SAP BusinessObjects

Technical Deep Dive into Real Customer Success with APOS Publisher for Cloud

This is a technical deep dive into core capabilities for enhanced SAP Analytics report broadcasting. For a deeper understanding, we’ll show you key features in action with close reference to real world use cases, and provide a glimpse into features coming soon.

We cover:

  • Core broadcasting capabilities
  • Tailored PDF documents individually and dynamically filtered per recipient
  • Migrating SAP Business Objects publications to SAC
  • Broadcasting SAP Datasphere-based reports
  • What’s coming soon:
    • Analysis for Office scheduling capabilities
    • WEB UI scheduling interface

Entzünden Sie ihr Analytics: Automatisiertes Broadcasting von Reports aus der SAP Analytics Cloud

Viele Organisationen, die bereits SAP Analytics Cloud eingeführt haben, stellen irgendwann fest, dass ihre Anforderungen an die Reportversendungen größer sind als die SAC-integrierten Publikationsfunktionen hergeben. Nehmen Sie am 18. April an unserem Webinar teil, in der die APOS Publisher for Cloud-Lösung für das Aussenden und die Verteilung personalisierter SAP Analytics Cloud-Storys an End-User vorgestellt wird. Erfahren Sie, wie APOS Publisher for Cloud die Reportübertragungs- und -verteilungsanforderungen auf Unternehmensebene erfüllt, sowie ein geplantes Update um zukünftig die Übertragung von Analysis for Office-Inhalten zu supporten inklusive einer neuen webbasierten Benutzeroberfläche für die termingenaue Planung der Versendungen.

Dieses Webinar zeigt auf, wie Sie die Power Ihrer Systeme durch die Nutzung einer automatisierten, datengesteuerten SAC-Reportversendung erhöhen. Hierzu gehört:

  • Datengesteuertes dynamisches Broadcasting
  • Einfache Zielfestlegung der Reportaussendung
  • Mehrere Formatoptionen
  • Konsolidierung von multiplen Reports
  • Benutzerdefinierte termingenaue Planung der Versendungen
  • Benutzerindividuelles Broadcasting von SAP BW & Datasphere
  • Maximale Verfügbarkeit; minimalster Aufwand
  • Security und Administration
  • Coming soon – Neue webbasierten Benutzeroberfläche
  • Coming soon – Support für die Übertragung von Analysis for Office-Inhalten

Potencialice sus analíticas: Publicación Automatizada de Reportes en SAP Analytics Cloud

Muchas organizaciones que han adoptado SAP Analytics Cloud descubren que sus requisitos de publicación de reportes sobrepasan las capacidades integradas para este fin de SAC. Esta sesión le ofrecerá una clara visión de cómo APOS Publisher for Cloud cumple con los requisitos de publicación y distribución de reportes a nivel empresarial, una actualización de nuestros planes de soporte para la distribución de contenidos de Analysis for Office y nuestra nueva interfaz de usuario WEB para hacer el agendamiento de los mismos. 

Lo que aprenderás

Esta sesión se centrará en el aprovechamiento de la publicación de reportes de SAC de manera automatizada y basados en datos:

  • Publicaciones dinámicas
  • Envío masivo de reportes
  • Múltiples formatos
  • Consolidación en un solo reporte
  • Customización para el envío programado de reportes
  • SAP BW & Datasphere Autenticación basada en roles
  • Alta disponibilidad y procesos distribuidos
  • Seguridad y administración
  • Próximamente - Nueva interfaz de usuario WEB para agendamientos
  • Próximamente - Soporte para la distribución de contenidos de Analysis for Office

Ignite Analytics – Automated SAP Analytics Cloud Report Broadcasting

Many organizations that have adopted SAP Analytics Cloud find that their report broadcasting requirements are larger than SAC’s built-in publications capabilities. This session will give you a clear view into how APOS Publisher for Cloud delivers on enterprise-level report broadcasting and distribution requirements, as well as an update on our plans for support for broadcasting Analysis for Office content and a new web-based user interface for scheduling.

This session focused on leveraging automated, data-driven SAC report broadcasting with:

  • Data-driven dynamic broadcasting
  • Report broadcast destinations
  • Multiple format options
  • Consolidation of multiple reports
  • Custom scheduling
  • SAP BW & Datasphere user-based broadcasting
  • High availability; Distributed processing
  • Security & administration
  • Coming soon – New scheduling Web UI
  • Coming soon –Support for broadcasting Analysis for Office content

Entzünden Sie ihr Analytics: Neue Möglichkeiten der Konnektivität zwischen der SAP Analytics Cloud und Non-SAP-Datenquellen

APOS Data Gateway hilft Unternehmen bereits länger dabei, Analysen voranzutreiben und neue Werte durch Live-Datenkonnektivität von der SAP Analytics Cloud hin zu einer Vielzahl von Non-SAP-Datenbeständen zu schaffen.

Nehmen Sie an unserem Webinar teil um zu erfahren, wie Sie den maximalen Wert aus der erweiterten Live-Datenkonnektivität mit APOS Data Gateway, zusammen mit der aufregenden neuen Option zur Importdaten-Konnektivität nutzen können.

  • Neue Produktankündigung!
    • Neu! Erweiterte und vereinfachte Optionen zum Importieren von Daten in die SAC um damit ganzheitlich zu planen (SAC for Planning) (die meisten Datenquellen – einschließlich Salesforce, SharePoint, CSV)
    • Neu! Extrahieren Sie Daten aus der SAC für den Import hin zu einer Vielzahl von Datenquellen
    • Neu! Strategischer Datenaustausch aus allen unterstützten Quellen hin zu relationalen Zieldatenbanken
    • Coming soon! Extrahieren Sie Daten anhand eines klaren Zeitplans hin zu unterschiedlichen Zielorten, um behördliche Anforderungen und andere Anforderungen zu erfüllen
  • Ebenso konzentrieren wir uns auf die folgenden Schwerpunkte:
    • So holen Sie den meisten Nutzen aus Non-SAP-Datenbeständen wie:
      • Cloud-Datenumgebungen wie Snowflake, Databricks, Google, AWS und Azure
      • Relationalen Quellen wie SQL, Oracle, Teradata und DB2
      • Und vielen weiteren Quellen
    • Erweiterte Live-Funktionen des APOS Live Data Gateway, einschließlich:
      • Nahtloser Sicherheitsintegration – SSO, OAuth
      • Self-Service-Modellierung und Verwaltung von Modellierungsressourcen
      • Datentransformationen: Geodaten, Dimensionen, Hierarchien, Eingabeaufforderungen

Technical Deep Dive into APOS Data Gateway

This special session is a deep dive into our APOS Data Gateway solution - including exciting new Import data connectivity options - with in-depth live demos and Q&A with our solution consultants. We demonstrate APOS Data Gateway through specific use cases that meet your non-SAP data connectivity needs for analytics and planning scenarios.

Live Data Connectivity – How to:

  • Create Views against SAP Analytics Cloud modelling using Data Gateway's Data Preparation Layer
  • Select SAP Analytics Cloud as the target for live connectivity
  • Select non-SAP data assets as the source for live connectivity
  • Map tables between source and target

Import Data Connectivity – How to:

  • Create and configure connections
  • Create Views on data models with Freehand SQL using Data Gateway's Data Preparation Layer
  • Create ETL definitions mapping source and target tables for ETL loads (full and/or incremental)
  • Schedule ETL loads

Dinamice sus analíticas:
Nuevas opciones de Conectividad para SAP Analytics Cloud con fuentes de datos distintas a SAP

APOS Data Gateway ya está ayudando a las organizaciones a impulsar y dar valor a través de la conexión de datos en tiempo real desde SAP Analytics Cloud a una amplia gama de activos de datos que no son SAP. Cómo aprovechar el valor de la conectividad en tiempo real con APOS Data Gateway, junto con nuevas e interesantes opciones para importar datos, entre las que se incluyen:

  • Anuncio de nuevos productos!!
    • Nuevo: Opciones ampliadas y simplificadas para la conexión de datos importados en SAC para planeación (Muchas mas fuentes de datos incluyendo Salesforce, SharePoint y CSV)
    • Nuevo: Extraer datos de SAC para importarlos en una amplia gama de fuentes de datos
    • Nuevo: Movimiento estratégico de información desde todas las fuentes de datos soportadas hacia las bases de datos relacionales objetivo.
    • Próximamente: Extraiga datos de forma programada a varios destinos para requisitos normativos y otras necesidades
  • Cómo aprovechar estos activos de datos que no son SAP de sus:
    • Entornos de datos en nube, tales como Snowflake, Databricks, Google, AWS y Azure.
    • Fuentes relacionales como SQL, Oracle, Teradata y DB2
    • Y muchas fuentes más
  • Nuevas funcionalidades para conexiones en tiempo real de APOS Live Data Gateway, entre las que se incluyen:
    • Integración de seguridad sin complicaciones: SSO, OAuth
    • Autogestión y administración en el modelamiento de datos
    • Transformaciones de datos: geoespaciales, dimensiones, jerarquías, prompts

Ignite Analytics: New Connectivity Options for SAP Analytics Cloud to non-SAP Data Sources

APOS Data Gateway is already helping organizations ignite analytics and open new value through live data connectivity from SAP Analytics Cloud to a wide range of non-SAP data assets. This session explores how to leverage the value of expanded live data connectivity with APOS Data Gateway, along with exciting new import data connectivity options, including:

  • New product announcement!
    • New! Expanded and simplified options to Import data into SAC for Planning (most data sources – incl. Salesforce, SharePoint, CSV)
    • New! Extract data from SAC for Import into a wide range of data sources
    • New! Strategic data movement from all supported sources into target relational databases
    • Coming soon! Extract data on a schedule to various destinations for regulatory requirements and other needs
  • How to leverage non-SAP data assets from your:
    • Cloud data environments, such as Snowflake, Databricks, Google, AWS, and Azure
    • Relational sources such as SQL, Oracle, Teradata and DB2
    • And many more sources
  • Expanded live capabilities of APOS Live Data Gateway, including:
    • Seamless security integration - SSO, OAuth
    • Self-service modelling, and management of modelling assets
    • Data transformations: geospatial, dimensions, hierarchies, prompts

MOVE IT OR LOSE IT! Automating Your Upgrade to UNX Universes

Along with a mini-update from SAP’s Patrick Sims (SAP BTP Global Center of Excellence) for the latest BusinessObjects news, this session will focus on how APOS Web Intelligence Migrator can help you automate and accelerate your UNX conversion and Web Intelligence repointing. We will demonstrate how the planning and execution of your upgrade does not need to be intimidating.

What You Will Learn:

  • What is the latest news about the SAP BusinessObjects Roadmap?
  • Why upgrade to UNX now?
  • What are the challenges you will face upgrading to UNX?
  • How does automation make this project achievable?
  • How does APOS automation allow you to control the process confidently?

Also, for some bonus information, we will hear from Jérôme Maillard, co-founder of Need4Viz about their expanded chart, graph, and visualization options that are available for your Web Intelligence reports.

Technical Deep Dive – Automated Streamlining & Right-Sizing of Your SAP BusinessObjects Deployment

BI 2025 marks the continuation of the SAP BusinessObjects platform, but also brings changes to the platform – changes that you will have to consider as you prepare your deployment for the future.

To build a future-proof SAP BusinessObjects deployment, customers need to maximize their ability to adapt to the changing SAP BI landscape, and system streamlining and ‘right-sizing’ is an important step in that. APOS technologies automate the initial and ongoing system right-sizing processes, which bring future-focused efficiency and order to SAP BusinessObjects deployments.

This session will take a deep dive into two APOS solutions that can simplify and accelerate your preparations:

  • APOS Insight Auditing, monitoring, query surveillance and report testing using your SAP BusinessObjects metadata
  • APOS Storage Center Controlling the content lifecycle of your SAP BusinessObjects deployment with automated backup, archive and restore capabilities

The combination of these two solutions is even more powerful, and our solution consultants will show you best practices using these solutions to simplify and automate for more intelligent backups of your SAP BusinessObjects content.

This technical session will look closely at the APOS mechanisms and best practices to automate these processes, with topics including:

  • Best practices with frequency
  • Best practices for managing database sizing and maintenance
  • Backup & restore objects
  • Backup & restore instances
  • Automated system cleanup configuration
  • Disaster recovery
  • System replication/Large scale promotion
  • How it all helps with migrations and upgrades

Technical Deep Dive – APOS Publisher for Cloud

In this session you will get insight into how customers are using APOS Publisher for Cloud with SAC Publications as we demonstrate the most popular (and interesting!) use cases. We will show you:

  1. Extracting raw data from SAC grids/tables into Excel/CSV
    1. Using Excel templates for preformatting needs
    2. Consolidating multiple grids/tables into multiple worksheets within the same Excel workbook
  2. Tailored PDF documents individually and dynamically filtered per recipient
    1. Generating high volume PDF documents
    2. Each PDF filtered per recipient
    3. Run on a recurring scheduled basis, from 1 single bursting definition
  3. Migrating SAP Business Objects publications to SAC
    1. Have Webi Report publications that need replicating to SAC
    2. Creating a SAC report to replicate a BOBJ Webi Report
    3. Replicating the BOBJ publication in SAC using APOS Publisher for Cloud
  4. Generating multiple PDF attachments into a single email
    1. Requirement for generating multiple PDF attachments to be place in a single email
    2. Each PDF attachment is filtered with different datasets

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Rompiendo las Barreras del BI – Publicación Automatizada de Reportes en SAP Analytics Cloud

Muchas organizaciones que han adoptado SAP Analytics Cloud descubren que sus requisitos de publicación de reportes sobrepasan las capacidades integradas para este fin de SAC. Esta sesión le ofrecerá una clara visión de cómo APOS Publisher for Cloud cumple con los requisitos de publicación y distribución de informes a nivel empresarial.

La sesión se enfocará en cómo aprovechar y llevar a otro nivel la publicación de reportes de SAC usando analíticas de datos de una manera automatizada y masiva con:

  • Publicaciones dinámicas
  • Envío masivo
  • Múltiples formatos
  • Consolidación en un solo reporte
  • Customización para el envío programado de reportes
  • SAP BW & Datasphere Autenticación basada en roles
  • Alta disponibilidad y procesos distribuidos
  • Seguridad y administración

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Right-Sizing SAP BusinessObjects to Lower your Technical Debt Ceiling

More and more of our customers are considering the road ahead for their SAP BusinessObjects deployments. Our advice is always the same: prepare for the future by reviewing your current deployment in fine detail, then rationalize, reduce, and restructure to simplify upgrades and prepare for the future of SAP BusinessObjects in your organization.

This webinar focused on ways to achieve your right-sizing objectives, and ensure your system runs efficiently and cost-effectively.

You will learn:

  • Rationalizing – Assess necessary and unnecessary content, users, licenses and infrastructure
  • Reducing – Find and remove unnecessary users and content from the system
  • Restructuring – Make your infrastructure and licensing fit your needs

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Breaking BI Barriers: Automated SAP Analytics Cloud Report Broadcasting

Many organizations that have adopted SAP Analytics Cloud find that their report broadcasting requirements are larger than SAC’s built-in publications capabilities. This session will give you a clear view into how APOS Publisher for Cloud delivers on enterprise-level report broadcasting and distribution requirements.
This session will focus on leveraging automated, data-driven SAC report broadcasting with:

  • Data-driven dynamic broadcasting
  • Report broadcast destinations
  • Multiple format options
  • Consolidation of multiple reports
  • Custom scheduling
  • SAP BW & Datasphere user-based broadcasting
  • High availability; Distributed processing
  • Security & administration

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Breaking BI Barriers: Live Connectivity from SAP Analytics Cloud to non-SAP Data Sources

APOS Live Data Gateway is helping organizations remove obstacles and open new BI and analytics value through live data connectivity from SAP Analytics Cloud to a wide range of enterprise data assets. This session addresses:

  • How to leverage non-SAP data assets from your:
    • Cloud data environments, such as Snowflake, Databricks, Google, AWS, and Azure
    • Relational sources such as SQL, Oracle, Teradata and DB2
    • And many more sources
  • Latest updates and new capabilities of APOS Live Data Gateway, including:
    • Seamless security integration - SSO, OAuth
    • Self-service modelling, and management of modelling assets
    • Data transformations: geospatial, dimensions, hierarchies, prompts
    • Performance advancements

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On the Road(map) Again – SAP BusinessObjects

Unless your organization has been highly proactive with your BI deployment, there are probably some aspects of the maintenance, management, and roadmap readiness of your SAP BusinessObjects system that deserve attention and action. This session will help to bring those topics into focus and look at how to advance your system.

This session examines topics to consider as you prepare for your SAP BusinessObjects future:

  • Roadmap Reassessment – a review of the latest roadmap update and the key points for consideration
  • Right-Sizing Your BI Deployment – optimizing your deployment by rationalizing, reducing and restructuring
  • Maintaining & Increasing the Efficiency of Your BI Deployment – using automation effectively to do more with less
  • Adopting the UNX Universe – converting UNV to UNX, repointing and validating reports
  • Migration Preparation – forming and acting upon deep system knowledge

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The Road Ahead for SAP BusinessObjects

SAP's Patrick Sims presents a very important update on what's coming in SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.3, Service Pack 04 — and beyond.

Key session topics will include:

  • New features in Version 4.3, Service Pack 04
  • User Experience improvements
  • Web Intelligence roadmap
  • Current and future platform deployment options

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Solution Update for SAP Analysis for Office Users - Product Status, Roadmap, and Options

Hear Jeanne Bigonnet of SAP about the latest news and options available for the SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office user community. As SAP’s Product Manager for Microsoft Office integration solutions, Jeanne will provide the most current solution updates and roadmap considerations available.

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Unternehmensweite Zusammenarbeit als Team, durch unbegrenztes Aussenden und Empfangen von SAP Analytics Cloud Stories

Nehmen Sie an der Live-Session teil, in der die APOS Publisher for Cloud-Lösung für das Aussenden und die Verteilung personalisierter SAP Analytics Cloud-Storys an End-User vorgestellt wird. Erfahren Sie, wie APOS Publisher for Cloud die Zusammenarbeit im Team ermöglicht, mit dem Ziel verschiedene Abteilungen und Arbeitsgruppen sicher zusammenarbeiten zu lassen und Daten sicher auf einem System austauschen zu können.

Sie erfahren, wie Sie automatisiertes, datengesteuertes Broadcasting, sowie die folgenden neuen und erweiterten Funktionen auf Unternehmensebene nutzen können:

  • Verbesserte Terminplanung
  • Höher skalierbare Datenverarbeitung
  • Verbesserte Sicherheit
  • Freigegebene und private Ordner
  • Ermöglichen Sie es Usern und Teams zusammenzuarbeiten und Inhalte zu teilen
  • Gemeinsame und private Datenquellen
  • BW User-Based Broadcasting
  • Kommende Funktionen
  • Self Service Publishing

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Leistungsstarke Live-SAC-Konnektivität zu all Ihren Unternehmens-Datenquellen

Der umfassenden Mehrwerten und Performance-Vorteilen der direkten Live-Konnektivität von SAP Analytics Cloud hin zu jeder Form von hybriden Unternehmens-Datenquellen mit APOS Live Data Gateway.

Sehen Sie mit eigenen Augen:

  • Die Vorteile der Live-Konnektivität für SAC-Deployments
  • Wie Sie die vollumfängliche Live-Konnektivität zu NON-SAP-Quellen herstellen
  • Wie Sie die USER-Daten-Navigation vereinfachen
  • Die High-Performance Live-Konnektivität im Detail:
    • So vereinheitlichen Sie die Konnektivität zu all ihren Hyperscalern / Unternehmens-Cloud-Datenquellen: Snowflake, Azure, AWS und Google
    • On Premise Quellen: Relationale Quellen wie SQL Server, Oracle, Teradata, DB2 und viele mehr
    • OLAP Quellen: Azure Analysis Services, Oracle Exadata, Essbase
    • Sonstige Anwendungen: Salesforce, Google Analytics, SAP Ariba, etc.
  • Wie Sie eine DirectQuery-Konnektivität von Microsoft Power BI hin zu Ihrer SAP Data Warehouse Cloud nutzen...und vieles mehr.

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Big Data Analytics – Uniting SAP Analytics Cloud and Snowflake Cloud Data Platform Cloud

This session looks at the APOS Live Data Gateway solution, how it functions to unify the SAP Analytics Cloud and Snowflake Data Cloud platforms, and examines how it facilitates:

  • Expanded Analytics
    Accomplish more analytics use cases by connecting SAP Analytics Cloud to Snowflake and other non-SAP data assets.
  • Live Data Connectivity
    Connecting to Snowflake data assets in real time, without any replication of data, from SAP Analytics Cloud.
  • Exceptional Performance
    Efficient management of query processes allows analytics users to enjoy the great strengths of Snowflake performance.
  • Simplified Business Layer
    Establish a simple and easy to navigate semantic layer to make the Snowflake analytics user experience even stronger.
  • Self-Service Modelling
    Enable non-technical users to create data modelling assets for Snowflake data that can serve their analytics needs, and the needs of their colleagues.

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Technical Deep Dive – APOS Live Data Gateway

APOS Live Data Gateway provides great efficiency and performance benefits through direct, live connectivity from SAP Analytics Cloud to a vast number of Enterprise data sources.

Watch this deep dive with APOS solution consultants into this solution with in-depth demos.


  • Setup/Configuration
  • Data Virtualization Layer
  • Data Preparation Layer
  • Data Consumption Layer
  • SAC Story Creation with Live Connectivity Demonstration

Review Earlier APOS Live Data Gateway Webinars

This is a technical session, and you will get the most out of it if you are already familiar with the APOS Live Data Gateway solution. We recommend viewing one or more of our earlier sessions on demand:

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High Performance, Live SAC Connectivity to All Your Enterprise Data Sources

This session focused on the great efficiency and performance benefits of direct, live connectivity from SAP Analytics Cloud to a vast number of Enterprise data sources using APOS Live Data Gateway, including:

  • Advantages of Live Connectivity for SAC deployments/users
  • High performance live connectivity solution structure
  • How to leverage data assets from many Enterprise data sources:
    • Cloud sources: Snowflake, Azure, AWS and Google
    • On premise sources: relational sources such as SQL Server, Oracle, Teradata, DB2 and many more
    • OLAP sources: Azure Analysis Services, Oracle Exadata, Essbase
    • Specialized applications: Salesforce, Google Analytics, SAP Ariba, etc.
  • How to leverage DirectQuery connectivity to SAP Data Warehouse Cloud from Power BI

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Technical Deep Dive - APOS Publisher for Cloud Enterprise

This session provides a deep dive with APOS solution consultants into this solution with in-depth demos and live Q&A. See how to:

  1. Create a new User/Group/Folder in Admin Utility
    1. Create a User
    2. Create a Group and Assign User to Group
    3. Create a Folder and Assign Group to Folder
  2. Log in to P4C Desktop using Auth File for User
  3. Create a new Bursting Definition (using datasource when applicable)
    1. Select Story
    2. Select Format/Destination
    3. Select Pages from Story to burst
    4. Add filter(s)
  4. Burst a Story to Email
  5. Build Bursting Definitions with Templates
  6. Set up a Schedule using built in option

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