APOS BI Upgrade "Freemium" Offer
SAP BusinessObjects has been given a major extension for support timelines, meaning your organization can continue to drive valuable business intelligence for their users for many years to come.
APOS is allowing you to leverage our UNX Universe adoption solution for targeted Universes and Web Intelligence reports, helping you speed this semantic layer transition process to leverage all of the SAP BusinessObjects value that lies ahead. This offer also provides an automated inventory of your BI system content. Click here for full details
The files listed below are available free for download. There is no cost involved. APOS Systems Inc. is not responsible in any way for this software, but please let us know how it works out for you.
Charges may apply for freeware application support.
You may often be able to use APOS freeware as a partial solution for larger needs. Contact us to learn how these freeware applications fit into your development plans.
APOS Insight Elements
For: SAP BusinessObjects XI 3.1 and BI 4.x
APOS Insight Elements provides SAP Business Objects system metrics for objects, schedules and instances, and enables report processing window analysis. Taken together, these capabilities can make the difference between reacting to events within your BI system and managing your BI system proactively to deliver better, quicker, and more efficient service.
For: SAP BusinessObjects 4
This freeware tool allows the end user to view a detailed listing of current SNMP traps in their environment.
Command Line Utility
Utility that will allow the users to build a list of command line items they wish to execute in a consecutive order.
APOS Crystal Reports Printer Reset Utility
For: SAP BusinessObjects 4
The APOS Crystal Reports Printer Reset Utility provides a simple and efficient way of resetting the printers listed in Crystal Reports documents.
APOS User Migrator
For: SAP BusinessObjects 4
The APOS User Migrator for SAP BI 4 is a freeware application that lets administrators migrate named users to concurrent users, or concurrent users to named users, in bulk conversion operations. This freeware is especially useful if you are changing from a named user model to a concurrent user model during your migration to SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.
Password Changer Utility
For: CE10, SAP BusinessObjects XI, SAP BusinessObjects XI R2, SAP BusinessObjects XI 3.x, SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.x
A utility that allows an administrator to change any user's password. A time-saving shortcut that all administrators will appreciate.
Update Active Directory and Windows NT Security
For: CE10, SAP BusinessObjects XI, SAP BusinessObjects XI R2, SAP BusinessObjects XI 3.x, SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.x
After you delete Active Directory user accounts or Windows NT user accounts in SAP BusinessObjects, the accounts are not committed immediately and thus may continue to use a license. This freeware lets you refresh your Windows AD and Windows NT security accounts to free up licenses.
RAS Document Test
For: SAP BusinessObjects XI 3.1, SAP BusinessObjects 4.x
This freeware will provide you with the ability to provide BOE login credentials, login to the BOE system and select Crystal Report that you wish to attempt to open on the RAS Server to determine if the RAS server is functioning correctly.
Webi Document Refresh
For: SAP BusinessObjects XI 3.1
This freeware opens selected Webis, refreshes them, then saves them back to BOE. You provide BOE login credentials, and select a Webi or a folder where the Webi reports reside.
Webi Prompt Refresh
For: SAP BusinessObjects XI 3.1
This freeware opens selected Webis and populates missing SI_WEBI_PROMPT sub-properties so that prompt values may be passed to the Webi. You provide BOE login credentials and select a Webi or a folder where the Webi reports reside.
Webi and Java Test Utility
For: SAP BusinessObjects XI 3.1
Confirms that the Web Intelligence documents are opened correctly through the Java SDK on your system. You provide BOE login credentials, the path to the version of the Java.exe you wish to use for the test, as well as the path to the Web Intelligence document that you wish to use for the test.