APOS Publisher for Cloud Features: Export Options, and Widget-level Broadcasting

APOS Publisher for Cloud is a powerful solution that automates broadcasting of personalized SAP Analytics Cloud reports with specific timing, format, and content for each user. Publisher for Cloud provides core SAP Analytics enterprise broadcasting capabilities including widget-level broadcasting, and multiple export options, with flexibility and granular control.

The report export options of Publisher for Cloud enable the user to receive the information from the report in one or many different formats. An example would be combining PowerPoint, Excel and PDF into one document. Another example would be to have one user receive the report in PDF and another receive the report in PowerPoint or Excel, or any other format for that matter. With Excel, we often need high volume export. When you view a report on the screen, you see perhaps only 50 rows. But the entire grid may contain thousands of rows and users often want to be able to export that high volume to an Excel spreadsheet.

Using an Excel template enables us to use dynamic color coding, but Publisher for Cloud is also able to export a report with many rows in it to an Excel workbook.

At times you may only want to pick certain components of a particular page of a report and send those out. Publisher for Cloud’s widget-level broadcasting capabilities allows us to focus on the most critical information and tailor the distribution so that the user receives only the pieces of information that are really important to them. For example, you may have a page that contains a lot of information, but we really want to focus on that pie chart and that is the specific information that we want to export when we broadcast to the recipients. This way they receive just what they need and not any extraneous information.


APOS Publisher for CloudAPOS Publisher for Cloud Demo Request