APOS Publisher for Cloud Features: Formats and Destinations, and Consolidation of Multiple Reports

APOS Publisher for Cloud provides automated broadcasting of SAP Analytics Cloud reports to targeted recipients and information consumers. The solution has various elements of core enterprise broadcasting functionality, including tailored formats and destinations for each recipient, and consolidation of multiple reports.

The most common destinations for report delivery are e-mail and network file share. There are also many organizations who are now requiring FTP as a report delivery destination.

The most common report formats are PDF and Excel, but PowerPoint is also becoming more popular. And of course images are popular because we want to include images in our e-mail destinations and can combine that with attachments of PDF or Excel reports. We can consolidate information from a number of reports because there may be times when we want to include one or two pages from one report and another page from a different report and bring those together into one document that we are giving our users.


APOS Publisher for CloudAPOS Publisher for Cloud Demo Request