APOS Publisher for Cloud Features: Integrated Scheduling, Conditional Broadcasting, and BW and Datasphere User-based Broadcasting

APOS Publisher for Cloud provides automated broadcasting of SAP Analytics Cloud reports to targeted recipients and information consumers. The solution has various elements of core enterprise broadcasting functionality, including integrated scheduling, conditional broadcasting, and BW and Datasphere user-based broadcasting.

Our customers have a lot of different requirements for not only getting personalized content out to a broad range of recipients, but getting that information to them at the right time, and in the right way is critical to enabling effective decision making.

Users can now schedule broadcasting definitions right from within the Publisher for Cloud user interface. There are ways you can schedule reports hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly, right from the user interface and the application will incorporate those schedules from there on. With integrated conditional broadcasting we can monitor BW and conditionally broadcast based on pre-defined events. In addition, we can monitor certain KPIs on your stories and be able to decide whether they are above or below a certain threshold and then trigger a broadcast based on that event. Conditional broadcasting is very useful in these situations.

Publisher for Cloud can filter data by recipient, ensuring everyone gets their own slice of data, but using SAP BW and Datasphere, we can also automatically broadcast BW-based stories while respecting the row-level authorizations from BW or Datasphere live connections.


APOS Publisher for CloudAPOS Publisher for Cloud Demo Request