APOS Solutions - BI System Change Management

BI system change management has become increasingly more important as BI has taken a more and more central role in the life of the enterprise. Accurate reporting is key to operations, finance, and governance. The degree to which you manage change is directly proportional to the trust of operational and financial managers, as well as the confidence of internal auditors, external auditors, and the various regulatory authorities that goven your industry.

BI system change management consists of three main tasks:

  • Detecting Change
  • Effecting Change
  • Validating Change

Detect Effect Validate BI System Change

The BI change management cycle occurx throughout your BI operations. For example, during migration, you:

  • Detect security changes caused by your migration processes;
  • Effect security changes necessitated by migration policy updates; and
  • Validate security changes that were detected and effected to ensure your BI system is operating as required and your security policies are in place.

APOS Insight - detecting BI system change

Detecting Change - APOS Insight

To manage BI system change effectively, you need to know when and what changes are made to your BI content, environment, usage, and security. The volume and complexity of your BI content make this task difficult, but the APOS Insight solution has the advanced system monitoring and auditing capabilities, and proactive alerts, you need to ensure you have a complete history of changes in your BI system to support your change management processes. With APOS Insight, you can establish performance thresholds that trigger alerts and even perform automated remediation for common issues.

View the Taking Command of BI System Change Webinar On Demand:


Not all data is equal. Sensitive data is subject to strict governance and compliance requirements, especially in the financial and healthcare industries. You need to know not only who has the permissions to view such data, but also when such access occurs.

The BI Query Surveillance module of APOS Insight uses a multi-threaded JDBC driver to allow BI administrators to see into this query realm, using both UNV and UNX universes to record metadata concerning queries accessing data sources via the the universe to the IDAC database.


View the Detecting SAP BI System Change - Security & Usage Webinar On Demand:


APOS Insight

Effecting BI System Change - APOS Administrator

Effecting Change - APOS Administrator

Detecting change is important for supporting your change management processes. It is equally important to be able to effect change efficiently -- to take action when faced with time- and labor-intensive changes to your BI content and environment. To effect change efficiently, you need to be able to perform bulk operations with:

  • Data sources and the Semantic Layer (Universes)
  • Security
  • Report Object Properties
  • Report Schedules

The APOS Administrator solution gives you these capabilities, and more.

APOS Administrator

View the Effecting BI System Change Webinar On Demand:


APOS Insight - detecting BI system change

Validating Change - BI Report Testing module of APOS Insight

When you validate change in your BI system, you are confirming the accuracy and appropriateness of changes that have been effected and / or detected. Validation helps you ensure your BI system is operating as it should. It also helps you ensure you are meeting your organization's expectations concerning:

  • Goverance  & compliance
  • Internal and external audits
  • Security planning

APOS Validation Manager

View the Validating BI System Change Webinar On Demand:
