Did you miss our webinar, "Live Data Analytics – Unlock New Value and Insight" originally webcast on February 10, 2022?

Using live data analytics, you can examine the current state of your enterprise data at any time, regardless of where that data is stored. APOS Live Data Gateway provides virtualized data connectivity to connect SAP Analytics Cloud and other analytics solutions to relational and OLAP, cloud-based or on-premise data assets, and even application-based data sources such as SAP Ariba.

This webinar discusses:

  • Why do so many organizations prefer live data connectivity?
  • How does live data access deliver expanded value?
  • How can you leverage live data from non-SAP sources with SAP Analytics Cloud?
  • How can both self-service and governance be achieved with live data connectivity?

...and more.

View the webinar on demand using the links below.

Webinar highlights:

Data Virtualization Layer

Live Data Gateway Capabilities

Data Preparation Layer

Live Data Gateway Capabilities

Data Consumption Layer

Live Data Gateway Capabilities


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