Thursday, October 22, 2020
APOS Customer Success - HealthPartners
HealthPartners is an integrated health care organization providing health care services and health plan financing and administration. It's the largest consumer governed non-profit health care organization in the nation – serving more than 1.8 million medical and dental health plan members nationwide. Its care system includes a multi-specialty group practice of more than 1,800 physicians that serves more than 1.2 million patients. HealthPartners employs over 26,000 people.
HealthPartners’ Challenges
HealthPartners uses SAP BusinessObjects to keep personnel and stakeholders informed with thousands of key analytics reports. Scheduling these reports has been a challenge, as has safeguarding content, preventing report proliferation, and restoration of deleted reports, instances and folders.

HealthPartners - Enhanced Scheduling, Instance Management & Storage - APOS Administrator & APOS Storage Center
- Bulk Scheduling
HealthPartners uses APOS Administrator's InfoScheduler module to schedule in bulk and establish more efficient scheduling practices for their users.
- Bulk Instance Management
HealthPartners uses APOS Administrator's Instance Manager module to pause and restart schedules when necessary, and to perform bulk security operations.
- Backup & Selective Restore
APOS Storage Center provides the ability to backup their content assets, selectively restore deleted reports, instances and folders, and automate system cleanup.
APOS Administrator
Several of our key business areas utilize APOS InfoScheduler to schedule thousands of key analytical reports. We regularly receive feedback from our user areas on how intuitive and flexible InfoScheduler is and how much time it has saved them. Also, APOS Instance Manager has been a great tool for accurately pausing and releasing large quantities of reports related to planned and unplanned database downtime. APOS Instance Manager includes several key features and functions that are not available via the CMC Instance Manager.
APOS Storage Center
APOS Storage Center has saved HealthPartners many hours and resources throughout the years. We’ve been able to easily recover deleted reports and folders with a few clicks of the mouse. The support staff at APOS have been very responsive and detailed when responding to our inquiries. We couldn’t be more satisfied with the service we’ve received.
Jason C. Ringsred, BusinessObjects Administrator and Developer, HealthPartners